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Travel & Tropical Medicine Education - Online

The idea for this resource/training came over some years after seeing the management of returned travellers in Australia. I compared my experience living & working in tropical countries with working in Australia in General Practice (urban, rural) and in hospital emergency departments. Moving between tropical countries and Australia, I could see both sides. 

Travel Medicine, as I see it also has two sides, one is the pre-travel assessment and advice, and the other is managing people returning. 

If one hasn’t worked / lived in the tropics or seen lots of patients, it can be a little tricky getting enough clinical experience while working in a developed country. In General Practice, in industrialised countries, one doesn’t usually see enough unwell tropical/travel patients to get lots of experience for example in malaria or severe dengue. But one has to be on guard for the really serious cases which one sees infrequently at best. However when giving pre-travel advice, many people plan to visit countries where they could be exposed to malaria, dengue, typhoid etc. 

With the development of the Internet, software, and a team, it is possible to create a course and offer it - which we have done. It covers, Dengue, Severe Dengue and Prevention. You can see details of the Dengue course here.

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